
Network content control

Controlling the content on your network

Some content is dangerous, some is just inappropriate, both types need to be controlled and monitored to protect assets and reputations. Don’t wait until its too late to act.

There are almost endless categories of content available on the internet.  Public networks have a legal duty to block the most extreme content, identified by the Internet Watch Foundation ( for example, but Adult Content is a free choice on public networks.  Enterprises often have codes of conduct and duties of care towards employees, that can require the control of access to adult content.

Other types of content available includes Malware, spyware, botnet traffic and many more malicious traffic types that can lead to some very bad consequences.  According to Threatpost, one in five computer users experienced one or more malware web attacks in 2019, with no sign of things changing soon.

You may think your firewall is stopping everything coming in, but can you be sure? How about BYOD users? Can you be sure they are clean? Phishing attacks? Having a network solution able to look at your traffic and identify malicious flows and connections is an invaluable tool to prevent the spread of malware and botnets inside your network.


To meet the requirements above, Frame recommends Sandvine’s ActiveLogic solution, with the Content Control option. This solution integrates a massive URL database to ActiveLogic which categorises traffic in real time, as well as providing historical records.  The database can be updated in real time and categorises over 32 billion urls into 180 types, from Architecture, Science through to Piracy and Copyright theft, Phishing, Botnets and Malware.

View malicious traffic by volume or connections. Use analytics to track the source.


Sandvine helps organizations run world-class networks with Active Network Intelligence “ANI”, to identify and adapt to network behaviour in real time. Take control of your data plane, with intelligent optimisation for improved productivity and reduced costs.

Key benefits

Uses industry leading DB, used by over 800 million endpoints globally DB updated in real time (requires internet access) Track and block malicious traffic and find the root cause in real time Highly flexible rules based system Block or limit traffic Stop adult content viewing causing reputational damage to your company Different rules can apply to different user groups Real time and historical data available.

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